Anti-Vaccine Parents Face a New Roadblock

For several years, parents against vaccinations have been able to get their children exempt from receiving vaccines that are required by school district health centers. Parents have claimed religious, personal, and other motives as a means to prevent their children from being vaccinated.

Some parents are concerned that their children with life-threatening conditions will be exposed to viruses from unvaccinated children. One parent’s testimony explained how their daughter’s heart surgery at age two puts her at extreme risk when she comes into contact with students who have not received their proper vaccinations.

Senate Bill 276 is cracking down on the permitted exemptions and making it more difficult for parents to omit their children from the vaccine requirements.

Bob Sears, a pediatrician in California, has protested SB 276. Ironically, Sears has also been held accountable and condemned by the California Medical Board for writing unjustified vaccine exemptions.

In May, the bill passed the California Senate with a 24-10 vote. In late June, it passed the Assembly Health Committee with a 9-2 vote and will now move to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzales (D-San Diego) is a co-author of the bill. 

Curbing inappropriate medical exemptions is an essential move by the California Medical Board and California legislature. Although some parents do have religious concerns around these vaccines, far too many students are going unchecked by the system. Young students with underlying conditions should not be put at greater health risk due to these unjustified exemptions pursued by parents and allowed by the local school boards.


Photo by Hyttalo Souza