Threat to Homeowners

Utilizing a menacing threat of home loss, San Diego City Councilwoman Barbara Bry sent an email bolstering her mayoral campaign and asking for donations. Generally, the campaign for mayor has been centered around dealing with the affordable housing crisis. Attorney Cory Briggs also joined the campaign to offer his opinion on the protection of neighborhoods from home-building.

Bry is fully aware of the scheme that is at work. Her mass email was a ploy regarding the fear of building more homes in the neighborhoods, which resulted in an explosive response from young Democrats, including the local Democratic Party chairman. Bry’s email targeted two components: a bill that was passed through state legislature and the YIMBY Democrats of San Diego County which was founded last year. Furthermore, she attacked her opponent, Assemblyman Todd Gloria, for approving the bill, SB 330.

The debate between the two candidates began last year. It all began with Senator Scott Weiner proposing SB 50, which would let builders go through with housing projects near schools, businesses, and transit areas without local approval. However, Senator Nancy Skinner proposed another bill, SB 330, which prohibit cities from enacting policies that would stop new development and make them approve objectives that follow local rules. Bry called out Gloria for supporting the plan that would allow for the construction of high-rise apartments in residential communities.

After reading Bry’s email, Nicole Capretz, the executive director of the Climate Action Campaign, took a stance. She took the email as a NIMBY endorsement, opposite of YIMBY, and strongly expressed the correlation between housing policy and climate policy. Bry refuted Capretz’s comments by explaining how the decision transcends labels such as YIMBY or NIMBY and how this is a local matter, something out of the jurisdiction of Sacramento politicians. Furthermore, she responded to the Democratic Party chairman by asserting she did not need the endorsement of YIMBY due to their support for the involvement of Sacramento politicians.

There is clear hypocrisy when it comes to Barbara Bry. When running for City Council, she was much more supportive of the involvement of Sacramento politicians in the housing crisis. Regardless, her email and stance will most likely be welcomed by older Democrats since the hatred primarily came from a younger crowd. 


Photo by Avi Waxman