Candidate Profile: Christopher Rodriguez for Oceanside Mayor

Oceanside local and Marine Corps Veteran Christopher Rodriquez is running for mayor as the endorsed candidate of the Republican Party of San Diego. With Christopher’s history of service and ties to the community, he is a great choice for Oceanside.

During his time in the Marines, Mr. Rodriguez served two combat tours in Iraq. When he returned home, he became a realtor and started a small firm committed to helping veterans own a home. He also served as a board member of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce.

As a result of great success in his business and his focus on fiscal responsibility, Christopher was able to purchase a farm in South Morro Hills that he manages with his wife Sarah and their 7 children.

As someone who’s lived in Oceanside for over 18 years, Rodriguez knows the issues that are important to residents, and he is committed to implementing many new improvements to help Oceanside thrive.

One of his biggest priorities is improving public safety.

“My first duty and highest obligation is to Oceanside’s Public Safety. “

Rodriguez understands that properly trained and staffed Police, Fire, EMT, and supporting staff will cost money, and he will make sure they get the funding they need to keep Oceanside’s streets safe.

To help fund public safety and other important issues, Christopher has plans to bring in new revenue and cut wasteful spending. To start, he plans to overhaul the short term vacation rental program to bring in an additional $2,000,000 in revenue. He also wants to remove the Melrose Extension plan, saving Oceanside taxpayers over $40,000,000. Additionally, he wants to revamp Oceanside’s planning and development model which will not only speed up the process, but also save taxpayer resources and make Oceanside a regional leader.

His other priorities include solving the homeless problem created by Proposition 47 and the mental health crisis, creating a more inviting business environment to bring more jobs and revenue to the city, and working on housing affordability.

For more information about Rodriguez’s campaign, visit