San Diego League of Women Voters Forum Exposes Divide on Key Issues

“AB5 is killing small businesses and freelancers. It is the type of legislation that Scott Peters endorses through HR2474 and is bringing to Washington.”

Rideshare drivers, their customers and every independent contractor may want to head to the San Diego League of Women Voters website to review where Congressman Scott Peters and his challenger, businessman Jim DeBello, come down on the vital question of workers’ rights.

Peters supports AB 5, the controversial new California law that hits Uber, Lyft drivers and all gig-workers hard. Peters also favors AB 5’s twin sibling, HR 2474, sponsored by Democrats in Congress. DeBello opposes both bills and is outspoken in his strong support for independent contractors and the general public that benefit from their services.

AB 5 has made it illegal for thousands of independent workers to be their own boss. DeBello was quoted, “AB 5 is an absolute disaster for working Americans. Sacramento is the laboratory of the left, and the virus is spreading to Washington. Scott Peters favors Big Labor against jobs. This job-killing legislation is fundamentally flawed. It’s a product of legislators who neither understand nor appreciate the private sector. It not only threatens the livelihood of millions of independent contractors – it is devastating to job creation as we fight to recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic.”

The forum was sponsored by the League of Women Voters of San Diego in an online format with questions presented by the League to challenger Jim DeBello and incumbent Scott Peters for the 52nd District. This has been the only format where both candidates were able to discuss the issues together that impact San Diego, and thus far Scott Peters has not accepted DeBello’s request to have three more debates before the November 3 election.

DeBello was on Zoom in his campaign school bus that has been touring San Diego and Peters appeared to be at his home. The forum can be viewed HERE or by clicking on the video below.

Jim DeBello is running against Scott Peters in California’s 52nd Congressional District. Jim was the co-inventor of mobile check deposit which is used by over 80 million Americans and has business experience in six countries including China. Jim brings an amazing resume and timely proposals to voters from Coronado to Poway. His opponent has not passed a bill in the last eight years and recently gave away his vote to a Congresswoman in New York. Jim and all his supporters believe the people of San Diego deserve better representation.

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