Candidate Profile: John Duncan for Coronado City Council

John Duncan is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for the Coronado City Council.

He has been heavily involved in the Coronado community for years, volunteering as a youth sports coach while his four children were involved on teams, and working to preserve Coronado’s history by renovating at-risk homes and having them designated Historic Resources.

IMG-2610.JPGMeanwhile, he has worked professionally as a business attorney for 25 years, providing him with experience in negotiation, analysis, and litigation skills. He intends to use these abilities to help stop SANDAG’s harmful housing impositions in Coronado’s crowded community, and supports taking any measures necessary to do so, including filing a lawsuit.

“I will bring a fresh and professional level of scrutiny at a time we need it the most. Coronado is facing issues that are critical to our future, including the potential loss of local control to outside governing bodies,” said Duncan. “As an experienced business attorney of 25 years, I am a seasoned negotiator with strong analytical and litigation skills. I look forward to working hard for you on the many issues that we face.”

Duncan is also a candidate dedicated to law and order. He proudly attended the Coronado Citizen’s Police Academy in 2016, as well as the FBI Citizens Academy in 2017. He is an active member of the FBI San Diego Citizens Academy Alumni Association and regularly attends law enforcement and national security briefings. Duncan strongly supports providing the proper resources to the people we count on to keep our community safe.

He intends to use caution while navigating possible solutions to traffic and safety problems on Coronado’s major streets, and to support legislation that would expand opportunities for small businesses along the Orange Avenue corridor.

Duncan—like most Coronado citizens—loves the beach, and will fight to keep it safe from sewage and contamination. This is a growing issue that elected officials can’t afford to ignore or disregard, and Duncan has pledged to make it one of his top priorities on the Coronado City Council.

John Duncan is a local leader with the experience and the dedication to fight hard and well for the Coronado community—a combination of traits that no other candidate brings to the table, making him the one that deserves our vote.

For more information about John Duncan and his campaign, visit