Candidate Profile: Noli Zosa for San Diego City Council

Written by Julianne Foster

Noli Zosa is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for San Diego City Council District 7.

As a business owner, Zosa has a lot of knowledge regarding how overbearing taxes and regulations can stunt a business’ ability to grow and create more jobs. With his experience in running a business and doing community work, Zosa is more than qualified to make quality of life better for residents of District 7.


Noli Zosa received his undergraduate and law school degrees from the University of San Diego. During his time at USD, he served three years as the Student Director for a Legal Resource Center operated by the university in Bayside Community Center. Through this, he was able to assist low income San Diegans with their housing issues. From there he returned to help work in his family’s business and also became a founding partner in a successful restaurant chain.

He has been endorsed by San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Father Joe Carroll, former San Diego Police Department Chief Shelley Zimmerman, San Diego County Gun Owners, San Diego City Councilmen Chris Cate and Scott Sherman, County Supervisors Greg Cox and Jim Desmond, and even former District 7 Democrat candidate Monty McIntyre.

There are many issues in San Diego that concern Zosa, including homelessness, housing, economic issues, public safety, and fixing streets and infrastructure. 

Homelessness has been a long drawn out problem in San Diego with limited progress. Zosa is determined to strike at the root of the problems with homelessness, which he identifies as the high costs of housing, domestic violence, substance abuse, and mental health issues. He hopes to fight these issues by investing in programs that offer comprehensive wrap-around services such as counseling, medical care and mental health services, parenting classes, employment training, and workforce development.

San Diegans are having difficulties paying for housing due to high price of land, high fees, taxes on construction, and overbearing red tape that slows down necessary new housing stock and causes homeowners’ dreams of expanding or remodeling their home less attainable. “I support streamlining the permitting process and reviewing all fees – particularly those that will ultimately be passed onto homeowners,” Zosa explained.

Zosa supports law enforcement and creating a smoother relationship between officers and the public. “I support an expansion of allowing officers to be more flexible in their patrols — getting out of their vehicles and onto bikes and scooters so that they are more approachable and engaging with residents,” said Zosa. He believes that law enforcement officers need more support to receive the resources they need.

Under the same blanket of public safety falls his desire to maintain, expand, and renovate recreation facilities to keep at-risk youth off the streets and involve them in programs to improve their well-being. He has already been able to work in this area as a Board Member on both the City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Board and the Mission Valley YMCA.

Last of the issues he addresses are the public’s needs for safer roads and highways, which he can have influence over as a future Board Member of the City of San Diego’s Mobility Board. A lot of residents are frustrated with traffic issues, which Zosa plans to address by upgrading more street lights to utilize smart adaptive traffic signal optimization technology.

Finally, Zosa’s community work helping to feed first responders during the pandemic and being a part of many groups in San Diego shows his genuine care for the residents of the county. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, “Zosa partnered with a Tierrasanta church to provide dinner to affected government workers. That’s the sort of integrity and passion San Diegans should expect from Zosa.”

For more information regarding Noli Zosa’s campaign for San Diego City Council, visit