Candidate Profile: Kristin Gaspar for San Diego County Board of Supervisors

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Photo Oct 30, 3 59 32 PM.jpgKristin Gaspar is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors District 3. Gaspar is the incumbent, and is also the former Mayor of Encinitas and a small business owner. She uses her experience in the private sector to ensure more fiscal accountability in government that reflects the needs of San Diegans.

This race is perhaps the most crucial in all of San Diego County, as it will determine which political party has the majority on the Board of Supervisors. If far-left Democrat Terra Lawson-Remer is elected, then Supervisor Nathan Fletcher will have authority over the Board—and San Diegans will suffer. That means more business closures, more taxes, more gun control, you name it.

One of the primary issues Gaspar is concerned with is affordable housing. With the average home in San Diego costing nearly $600,000, San Diegans are currently being priced out of home ownership. Her plan is to cut much of the government regulation in building new homes. Nearly half of all building costs are related to regulation and a Point Loma Nazarene study shows that even a 3% reduction in regulatory costs will add nearly 7,000 new housing units every year.

Another issue Gaspar is working to fix is the poor state of San Diego roads. Her Building Better Roads initiative has gained national attention because it is an efficient and innovative approach to a problem that has plagued the county for decades. SANDAG is attempting to use funding that was allocated for road repair and expansion for mass transit, but Gaspar will ensure that the funds go where taxpayers were promised.

Gaspar’s ability to strategically utilize funding to benefit San Diegans is what sets her apart as a leader. She has no patience for luxurious leftist proposals that treat taxpayers as a piggy bank, abusing their hard-earned money for pet projects. Her consistency in this regard is part of what upsets Democrats most, including her radically far-left opponent.

Gaspar’s diligence in fighting for San Diegans has resulted in her being endorsed by Cal Fire, San Diegans Against Crime, California Restaurant Association, Southern California Rental Housing Association, San Diego County Medical Society, San Diego County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association, and many more.

“When I ran, I promised to focus on the things that matter most to each of us in our communities,” said Gaspar. “Since taking office, I have worked to help those who are most vulnerable in our society: the elderly, the formerly incarcerated, those struggling with mental health or addiction, and our homeless population, while protecting taxpayers and keeping our communities safe.”

Gaspar is committed to bettering San Diego and will ensure that residents no longer have to worry about being priced out of their own community. If you want safe neighborhoods, affordable living costs, economic opportunity, and policies that put San Diegans ahead of special interests, then re-electing Kristin Gaspar is a necessity.

For more information about Kristin Gaspar and her campaign, visit