Candidate Profile: Linda Blankenship for State Senate

Linda Blankenship is the Reupblican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for State Senate District 39. She is running against Democrat Toni Atkins, who currently serves as the President pro tempore of the State Senate.

Blankenship was born in Georgia while her father, a Cuban immigrant, was serving in the Army. Their family moved to San Diego in the 1960s and she has remained here ever since. Blankenship went to school for a nursing degree, but her real interest was in political science classes, driving her to begin volunteering for political campaigns at a young age.

She married and started her family with three children, all while running the family real estate business and slowly working her way up the ranks as a consultant for political campaigns until she was appointed the Western Regional Political Director for GOPAC.

Over her decades in politics, Blankenship has been involved in dozens of political campaigns, from school board to presidential races. Years ago, she stepped back from politics to take ownership of her own small business, and that experience informs her views as she makes her return this year.

Her key principles are “freedom, fiscal responsibility, equal access to quality education, and modeling respect and civility.” She emphasizes that the Constitution states that government is responsible for establishing and maintaining justice and peace, promoting the general welfare and securing liberty, noting that many of the “pet projects” our government takes on fall well outside of these defined boundaries. Blankenship believes that by restricting government to its core responsibilities, it will not only promote more efficiency and accountability, but will save taxpayers enormously and allow for a more prosperous economy.

She also believes that the COVID-19 restrictions on places of worship are arbitrary and a direct violation of our First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. Blankenship is also an adamant opponent of AB 5, which effectively abolished the independent contracting workspace and displaced hundreds of thousands of working Californians.

Further, she stands behind community-based law enforcement and the dedication to public safety. Between the tumult of the pandemic, riots, and recent fires, the admirable service of our first responders is more important than ever. Finally, Blankenship is committed to stopping the destructive work of teachers’ unions that prevent our students from receiving the education they need and deserve.

Her opponent, Toni Atkins, supports a long list of far-left policies that are detrimental to our state and communities. Atkins proudly supports AB 5, higher taxes, wasteful spending, and wants to defund police departments and ICE. This is not leadership, but the abdication of it—and it’s time for a change in Sacramento.

Blankenship has the credentials, credibility, and community involvement that is so desperately needed in the State Legislature. Moreover, she has displayed the heart, mind, and determination to defend constitutional policies that protect personal liberties, to govern by incentive rather than mandate, and to drive more economical and compassionate growth. As a result, she has received a long list of endorsements from countless local leaders and organizations that fight for hard-working Californians. She has the ability and the fight to represent the 39th Senate District in the ongoing fight against the special interest groups that currently control so much of our government.

For more information about Linda Blankenship and her campaign for State Senate, visit