Anti-Prop 16 Car Rally in San Diego Scheduled for Saturday Morning

On Saturday, hundreds of people will participate in another car rally to protest Proposition 16, a measure on the November ballot that will amend the California Constitution to allow the state to consider race in college admission, and government hiring and contracts. The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. at 13605 Pacific Highlands Ranch Parkway, while a similar rally will be held simultaneously in Berkeley, California.

Organizers are urging Californians to reject race-based college admission and hiring practices and ensuring that such regressive discrimination remains illegal by voting NO on Prop 16. State employees are more diverse than ever, while black, Latino and Asian enrollment in the University of California system has increased dramatically since 1996.

Thousands of Californians have participated in similar car rallies statewide in the cities of Cupertino, Fremont, Campbell, Pleasanton, Santa Clara, Foster City, Sacramento, San Diego, Foster City, Irvine, Pasadena, and Los Angeles. All of these have been in the last two months, showing the strength of the anti-Prop 16 grassroots movement. More rallies are scheduled in cities across California until the November election, with more information available here.

These events are organized by Californians for Equal Rights, an umbrella organization supported by a broad spectrum of community groups. For information on Californians for Equal Rights, please visit