Assemblyman Brian Maienschein’s Refusal to Debate June Cutter Reveals a Broader Pattern Among Democrats

Joining a growing list of elected Democrats refusing to engage in debate with their challengers in Assemblyman Brian Maienschein. The Republican-turn Democrat has been difficult to find for voters, seemingly invisible in the 77th Assembly District in what has been an extremely challenging year for many San Diegans.

Rep. Mike Levin and Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath have also notably refused to debate their opponents throughout the year. Brian Maryott has sent many debate requests to Levin, who continues to make excuses and ignore the interests of his constituents—something he has made a habit of in Congress. Likewise, Horvath has refused to debate Melanie Burkholder, despite her repeated attempts to schedule such an event.

June Cutter, who is running against Maienschein, has also requested debates with him so that voters can be aware of what both bring to the table. Rather than engaging in such dialogue, Maienschein has remained in the shadows and refused to be even remotely transparent with constituents.

These are just three examples of a broader trend that effectively disenfranchises voters and creates a barrier between communities and their representatives. There are many such examples throughout San Diego and the rest of the country where Democrats simply will not engage with their opponents and speak openly with constituents.

Given the pattern that is becoming apparent, it’s fair to ask: what are Democrats so afraid of?