Brian Maryott Announces Environmental Policy Platform Focused on Conservation and Innovation

Republican congressional candidate Brian Maryott recently released his environmental platform and announced his support of the American Climate Contract. Maryott joins 12 sitting congressmen in supporting the American Conservation Coalition’s climate pledge, showing true leadership and commitment to preserving our beautiful state and country.

The American Climate Contract lays out a bold path forward to combat climate change, including developing affordable and exportable clean energy technologies, implementing smart energy grids to transport and allocate resources more efficiently, and investing in natural solutions to cut carbon emissions such as wetland restoration and reforestation.

“The United States is the global economic powerhouse, innovation hub, and leader of the free world. As a result, it is our moral responsibility to play a leading role in the response to the threats posed by climate change,” the pledge reads. “Both inaction and unrealistic proposals are insufficient responses. The United States should prioritize actionable policy solutions that will generate environmental and economic benefits for all Americans impacted by climate change and for the betterment of future generations.”

Brian Maryott echoed this sentiment, explaining that oppressive and unrealistic government mandates are fantasies rather than solutions. That said, Maryott recognizes the importance of advancing our economic and environmental priorities in tandem through innovation, rather than seeing the two issues as being in conflict.

“I take seriously my responsibility to be a good steward of our world, balancing the economic priorities of our nation with the duty to safeguard our environment for future generations,” said Maryott. “That is why I am proud to support the important work of the American Conservation Coalition, and I pledge to be an advocate for an environmental agenda that rises above petty partisan politics and big government mandates.”

Maryott’s environmental platform focuses on innovative solutions to protect the expansive coastline of the 49th Congressional District, removing radioactive waste from the San Onofre nuclear plant, and opposing additional offshore drilling in Southern California.

For more information about Brian Maryott’s congressional campaign, visit