Jim DeBello Driving Campaign Bus Around San Diego to Meet with Voters While Congressman Scott Peters is Nowhere to Be Found

Republican congressional candidate Jim DeBello has made it a point in his campaign to remain connected to the community and the constituents he hopes to represent in Congress. DeBello’s activeness is embodied in the campaign bus in he drives up and down San Diego, meeting with San Diegans and discussing the issues they care about most.

While DeBello remains focused on immersing himself in understanding the needs of San Diegans, Rep. Scott Peters seemingly cannot be found. This isn’t necessarily new, as Peters has been something of a ghost while in Congress, failing to pass any meaningful legislation and being invisible here in San Diego.

However, driving around the 52nd Congressional District you might run into Jim DeBello and his big white campaign bus. While DeBello informally refers to his time around town as “Bus Banter with Jim DeBello,” the point he is hoping to highlight in this process is that those in Congress should be listening to the people they represent.

Prior to running for Congress, Jim DeBello was the co-inventor of mobile check deposit, which is now used by over 80 million Americans and all of the major banks. He was so upset at the lack of representation from Congress, especially Rep. Scott Peters, that he decided to leave his company and try to make a positive difference in the community in a different sphere: politics.

DeBello noted that Rep. Peters has not passed a single bill in eight years, and most recently gave away his vote by proxy to a congresswoman from New York. Not only does it appear that Peters has checked out of his responsibilities as a congressman, but he’s also politically out of touch with San Diegans. Over 90% of the time Scott Peters has voted alongside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is a radically far-left Democrat.

“Congress has lost touch, we can do better. I want to represent your views and get things done,” DeBello explained. “So when you see my bus, let’s talk.”

While voters in the 52nd Congressional District may have elected a Democrat, they certainly are not pleased with one who refuses to actually represent his constituents, and whose voting record reveals him to be on the far-left, as opposed to the moderate he portrays himself as to voters.

If you see a big white bus driving around, know that it’s Jim DeBello making his way around the community to learn and understand the change San Diegans are seeking in Congress.

For more information about Jim DeBello’s congressional campaign, watch this campaign video and visit DeBelloCongress.com.