San Diego City Council Candidate Noli Zosa Easily Outraising Union-Backed Democrat Opponent

Written by Michael Palomba 

San Diego City Council Candidate Noli Zosa has outraised his opponent by a 3-1 margin according to the latest fundraising revelations. Zosa sent out a message to his supporters last week with the exciting news.

“Thank you to my loyal supporters! In the recent reporting period, we outraised the opponent by a 3-1 margin, with $116,000,” said Zosa. “At over $335,000 in contributions, we still have a ways to go. Big Labor union bosses plan to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars against us.”

Zosa is correct that his Democrat opponent, Raul Campillo, is backed by Big Labor and other far-left special interests. While the grassroots support is clearly behind Zosa, powerful unions are sure to leverage their financial and political power against him as he seeks to represent the community, rather than special interests organizations.

“Receiving so much support, despite these challenging times, is very invigorating for my campaign,” Zosa added. “I’m deeply grateful for the tremendous amount of bipartisan support.”

Noli Zosa has been hard at work for the community during the coronavirus lockdowns. He has worked with an organization to donate protective gear to local businesses and spent time donating food to local first responders. Zosa and his business partners at Dirty Birds created a project called “Winging it Forward,” which has donated over 50,000 chickens wings to over 40 different first responders and medical facilities.

“Despite being in a heated campaign, Noli showed up to help,” said Dr. Douglas Ballesteros, an ER physician at Scripps Hospital. “He’s proven that in troubling times he leads by example. This is exactly the type of person who should be on the City Council.”

For more information about Noli Zosa’s City Council campaign, visit