In California, Law-Abiding Citizens are Arrested while Violent Criminals are Released

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

As the lockdown continues, many business owners are becoming increasingly desperate. Many have kept their businesses open despite being forced closed by the state, with some having been arrested while violent criminals, including rapists and murderers, are released from prison under the guise of COVID-19 concerns.

As a result of these concerns, almost 18,000 prisoners are expected to be released in California. This includes many of the aforementioned violent criminals. Of course, the lockdown is still being strictly enforced so you’re still not allowed to go to church or run a “non-critical” business. What does it say about a society when churchgoers and business owners are put into jail while murderers and rapists are allowed to roam free in society?

The entire concept of releasing the prisoners is insane in the first place. Why should dangerous criminals be released just because of a pandemic with a 0.4% death rate? These people were put in prison for a reason and they should not be released just because of the virus.

Even using the Left’s logic, this program is ridiculous. Whenever it’s for criminal justice reform or marijuana legalization, the Left rambles endlessly about the large amount of nonviolent criminals. California apparently didn’t get the memo. They seem to only release rapists and murderers, many of whom end up committing more violent crime.

These prisoners should be treated with the same contempt and disregard that they showed to their victims. Getting released is a privilege, and one that should not be given to those that destroy the lives of others.


Photo by Ben Taylor via Flickr