Christian Garcia Launches Campaign for Palomar College Governing Board

It’s official: local high school teacher Christian Garcia has announced his campaign for Palomar Community College District Governing Board District 2.

“It is incredibly humbling to announce my candidacy for Palomar College Board. I have called North County home for almost all of my life,” said Garcia. “As a high school teacher, I have seen first hand what it takes for students to find success. I am running to make sure every student across North County has the opportunity to achieve their educational goals and rise to new heights.”

His announcement comes just in time to save the college from potential fiscal disaster. The State of California’s Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team released a report in November 2019 that provided evidence of points when Palomar’s leadership failed to take needed steps to avoid fiscal ruin. Under its current leadership, Palomar College has been identified to have “a high probability of fiscal insolvency in the near future.”

For Garcia, the fiscal state of Palomar is the Board’s top priority. “[Current Board Member] Nina Deerfield has shown herself to be ill-equipped to solve the fiscal crisis at Palomar,” stated Garcia. “We need new leadership, willing to work in a collaborative way and make the tough decisions, if we want to preserve Palomar College for future generations.”

Garcia is likely to garner broad support for his understanding of these issues, and his commitment to solving them. While much of the existing Board has ignored these financial concerns, Garcia understands that ignorance will only exacerbate the situation for students, professors, and the community.

“I am running for Palomar College Board to help provide a better future for students. We can not let the poor decisions of the past squander the educational opportunities afforded to our students in the future,” Garcia added. “I will work tirelessly to ensure all families across North County, regardless of income or neighborhood, have the opportunity to leave the next generation better off than those that came before.”

For more information about Christian Garcia and his campaign for Palomar College Governing Board District 2, visit