Blue Lives Matter Parade Organized by Defend East County Draws Huge Support

Written by Michael Palomba

Last week, thousands across the country took part in rallies and parades to support law enforcement. I attended one in East County, and it was truly a sight to see.

Hundreds of patriots from across San Diego came out and joined in a car parade to back the blue. The parade was hosted by the group called Defend East County, which according to their Facebook page, “was created as an idea about bringing the community together in defense against terrorism, vandals, and rioters.” The group has over 20,000 members and is growing each and every day. 

The parade began at the Santee YMCA and ran down Cuyamaca all the way to Buena Vista, and then looped back around. Officers at the local precinct were also presented with handmade cards and letters. The YMCA parking lot was packed, the line of cars was massive,  and there were flags as far as the eye could see. It was truly a beautiful and patriotic event, showing that our law enforcement remains loved and appreciated by the vast majority of San Diegans.


Photos by Michael Palomba