San Diego Young Republicans Hosting Virtual Forum with Brian Maryott, Jim DeBello, and Melanie Burkholder

On Thursday, the Young Republicans of San Diego are hosting a virtual speaker event with three local Republican candidates. The speakers are Brian Maryott, Jim DeBello, and Melanie Burkholder, all of whom are seeking to flip seats that are currently under Democratic control.

Maryott is running against far-left Democrat Mike Levin in the 49th Congressional District, a seat that is very much considered to be a toss up in November and has long been a Republican seat prior to Levin’s victory in 2018. DeBello is challenging four-term Congressman Scott Peters in the 52nd Congressional District, who portrays himself as a moderate despite a voting record that indicates otherwise. Burkholder is running against first-term Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath in the 76th Assembly District, who has already received major support from radical labor unions and teachers’ unions, while positioning herself as a close ally of the notorious Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez—whose legislative monstrosity AB 5 has does as much to dismantle the California economy as the coronavirus.

The virtual forum will begin at 6 p.m. and run until about 7:30 p.m. Attendees will have a chance to learn more about each of these candidates, including their backgrounds, campaigns, and policy platforms. San Diego Young Republicans President Morgan Kimbarow is hosting the meeting, and has consistently used his organization as a platform for local Republican candidates to connect with voters.

You can learn more about the event on the San Diego Young Republicans Facebook page, and register for it here. It will be held via Zoom, with the link being sent to all registered attendees on the day of the event.