Republicans Continuing to Fight for Local Small Businesses

The recent rollbacks on reopening freedoms by Gov. Gavin Newsom have led to backlash across the state. Recently, San Diego County Supervisors Kristin Gaspar and Jim Desmond, in conjunction with San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, signed a letter to Newsom asking for exceptions to be given to salons and barbershops to operate outdoors.

“San Diego County has had zero outbreaks connected to hair salons, nail salons, or barbershops,” the letter reads. “Additionally, these are usually small ‘mom and pop’ type businesses that have been hit especially hard during this pandemic.”

Recently, Newsom agreed to the request, and set forth guidelines for safe outdoor operations. They cover worker training, customer screenings (i.e. temperature-taking), disinfecting protocols, and physical distancing guidelines on top of statewide requirements for face coverings.

These local leaders are always looking for new ways to protect the livelihood of San Diegans, and this change wouldn’t have come to fruition without their efforts. Though times are getting tough, these leaders are tougher—and will continue to speak out and fight for our needs.