Congressional Candidate Brian Maryott Achieves Strongest Fundraising Quarter Yet

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

In the second quarter, 49th congressional district candidate Brian Maryott achieved his best fundraising showing to date by raising almost $420,000. Despite the massive advantage that incumbents have in the fundraising department, Democrat Mike Levin’s campaign  barely eclipsed the impressive numbers coming from the Maryott campaign. 

This fundraising along with numerous other factors show that San Diego wants someone else in Congress. While Levin did technically exceed Maryott in total fundraising, Maryott raised over $30,000 more in unitemized, ‘small dollar’ donations than Levin did. Levin may be heavily supported by special interest unions, but Maryott has the support of the people.

“We’ve substantially grown our support districtwide, and we’re proud of the fact that — amongst small donors — we outraised Mike Levin by tens of thousands of dollars,” said Maryott for Congress Campaign Manager Patrick Snow. “It’s a strong indication that the residents of District 49 communities are on our side and ready for the kind of leadership that Brian offers: people over party.”

In addition to fundraising, the Maryott campaign has been on the offensive with regard to campaigning. Maryott has pressed Levin many times for a debate, but he consistently dodges every opportunity to be transparent with constituents.

Being a historically conservative district, Levin likes to present himself as a moderate interested in bipartisan legislation, but his voting record clearly does not reflect this branding. As someone who voted for the impeachment of President Trump and has spoken out in favor of the Green New Deal, few bait-and-switches have ever been so blatant in politics.

“Obviously, Mike is struggling with transparency issues. It’s shameful,” Snow added. “For nearly a year, he’s refused to publicly debate and voters now know the reason why: Mike can’t defend his abysmally partisan voting record.”

To learn more about Brian Maryott and his congressional campaign, please visit