Local Republican Leaders Fighting Back Against Governor Newsom’s Latest Shutdowns

Written by Julianne Foster

Gov. Gavin Newsom cowered at the recent numbers surrounding COVID-19 and reimposed mandatory closures of fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, malls, hair salons and barbershops. The announcement came Monday via Twitter.

Businesses were scrambling to recover the time they lost when Newsom finally gave them permission to reopen. Their hopes to get back on their feet were crushed with this recent roll back of reopenings. Especially after businesses have worked so hard to follow safety guidelines, it seems unfair for Gov. Newsom to close the economy again as a whole, instead of just punishing the individual businesses violating the public health orders.

San Diego County Supervisors Jim Desmond and Kristin Gaspar are in support of reopening to allow those who have created a safe climate for customers to keep their doors open. While restaurants still have the opportunity to utilize outdoor dining or to-go services, they have a small window to make money and provide some job opportunities. Even retail businesses can partially keep their businesses going with delivery and curbside pickup. Hair salons, nail salons and barbershops, however, do not have this option.

Supervisors Desmond and Gaspar, along with San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, have taken it upon themselves to send Gov. Newsom a letter to streamline outdoor permits for hair salons, nail salons, and barbershops. The tireless effort of these leaders is much appreciated by San Diegans.

Gov. Newsom has gotten caught up in the numbers of those testing positive and panicked to shut down businesses. Alternatively, Republicans are seeing the severe mental and financial consequences of shutting down businesses. “I feel terrible for the businesses that have abided by all of the rules, gone above and beyond and now have to shutdown, with no end in sight,” said Supervisor Desmond.

It’s encouraging to know there leaders like Desmond, Gaspar, and Jones to speak on behalf of the needs of San Diegans. Americans need to be given their rights back to open their businesses and return to their lives with trust from the government to understand the risks and respect the public health guidelines.