Republican Women of California-Clairemont Chapter Awards Scholarship to Local Student

The above photo shows (from left to right) JoAnn Cornelius, Treasurer and Scholarship Award Co-chair; Shirley Kaltenborn, President; Chris Barriga, scholarship recipient; Regina Barriga, mother of recipient; Kris Sheffler, Scholarship Award Co-chair.

Despite the pandemic making in-person meetings for political organizations difficult, the Republican Women of California’s (RWC) Clairemont chapter has approached this new normal with optimism and generosity. Over the past few months, they’ve reached out to the community with their unique traditions and proper safety.

The Republican Women of Clairemont host a yearly scholarship competition for local high school students, open to all those pursuing a trade or four-year degree. This year, the essay subject was “What the Constitution Means To Me.”

A student from Clairemont High School was the unanimous winner. Chris Barriga, an incoming freshman at the University of San Diego majoring in Business, was awarded the $500 check and a certificate by RWC-Clairemont.

“Our scholarship winner, Chris Barriga, was a delight. We all fell in love with him,” said RWC-Clairemont President Shirley Kaltenborn. “He read his essay and then we gave him a certificate and a check for $500.”

This generous award presented in such trying times demonstrates the type of compassion we all should be admiring. RWC-Clairemont will continue doing good, no matter what these strange times bring.