Susan Davis Voices Support for the Green New Deal

Representative Susan Davis (D-CA) recently announced her intent to support the Green New Deal, a proposal dedicated to using renewable energy sources. After meeting with scientists from multiple San Diego universities, Davis went to the Florence Grand Theater to voice her support. Following her announcement, the congresswoman took a seat in the audience where attendees were allowed to ask questions.

People began to ask questions about Davis’ announcement, with panelists from universities and other organizations attempting to answer as many questions as possible. Multiple people asked about the Green New Deal, with some accusing Davis of displaying cowardice. In response, Representative Davis took the microphone to address some of the concerns of the audience. She reassured their passion, but instead of offering a direct answer, Davis stumbled in telling an unrelated story about her grandchildren.

The congresswoman proceeded to talk about her past support of a carbon tax, the Paris Agreement, and how she wishes President Trump would rethink the withdrawal from the accord. Lastly, she ended by stating how she did not sign onto the Green New Deal immediately because of her commitment to deliberation in deciding whether or not to support legislation. In the end, Davis diverted the topic and focused on other aspects of her political agenda.

Along with Davis’ opinion, each panelist offered their take on current environmental issues and policies, including the Green New Deal. Dr. Katie Ricke expanded on carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, explaining how its damage to the global economy is currently minimal. Dr. Walter Oechel claimed that the severity of climate change is rejected by those who support the fossil fuel industry. Retired Navy Commander David Slayton explained the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and the benefits of electricity to rural populations. Lastly, Dr. Mark Merrifield indicated his support for the Green New Deal, yet critiqued the current lack of technology to remove emissions.

It should also be noted that not all Democrats are on board with the Green New Deal. Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA) has refused to support the proposal, saying that he is “very skeptical of congressional utopian plans. They never happen.”

While the Green New Deal seeks to reduce the potential harm of climate change, it lacks the technology components and economic coherence to complete this objective. On the surface, the proposal may appear ambitious. However, once broken down, there are countless issues and flaws that make the Green New Deal financially implausible and environmentally ineffectual.


Photo by Dan Meyers