Latino American Political Association Issues Letter Promoting Culture of Respect

Written by Michael Huling

On Saturday, the Latino American Political Association of San Diego (LAPA) issued an open letter to elected officials regarding the need for a culture and political institutions that value the virtue of respect.

“Our members have worked for over 50 years to promote Latino participation in politics and support Latino participation in the community,” the letter reads. “Our group has successfully remained non-partisan because we share a set of values that are rooted in both our shared cultural history and our appreciation of the American dream.”

LAPA has spent the last five decades promoting Latino engagement in the community and in politics. Few organizations have had the success of LAPA in reaching individuals and families, fostering a cohesive community centered around shared values.

The social and political turmoil in recent weeks has frustrated and disgusted the leaders of LAPA, who are focused on unity rather than division. Elected officials who have sought to tether themselves to the Latino community have done a disservice in excusing and even celebrating violent riots that have torn cities apart.

“These unprecedented times have signaled to us as an organization that it is time to publicly make a stand for our beliefs, and for the greater good of our communities,” LAPA added. “To all of those who wish to highjack our cultural identity and use it for their political self-promotion, we have had enough.”

LAPA’s disappointment in many elected officials who have abdicated their oath of office while toting their Latino heritage is clear and called for. Their letter goes onto explain that respect is integral to Latino culture and communities; respect for elders, private property, hard work, and law enforcement.

“We stand for law and order because many of us are not that far removed from the realities facing the countries that generations of our people have immigrated from seeking a better, safer life,” LAPA said. “We exist to promote Latino participation in the American Dream. The American Dream is one of exceptionalism, of upward mobility and equal access to opportunity. Every single one of our members participates in that dream. Nowhere else in the world can we preserve our cultural identity and be proudly patriotic.”

The gratitude for the success and prosperity uniquely offered by America is proudly offered by LAPA, but is unfortunately ignored or dismissed by some elected officials. Safe communities are made possible by law enforcement, who put their lives on the line each day.

“We believe this guarantee of safety, regardless of current political climate, is the foundation for strong, healthy communities,” the letter concludes. “The Latino American Political Association stands with our Men and Women of Law enforcement; now and always.”