President Trump Kicks off Re-Election Campaign

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump began his re-election campaign with a rally in Orlando, Florida. In two and a half years, President Trump has established himself as the leader of the Republican Party and has led our country to great progress much like previous Party greats Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

In recent years, the Republican Party has had several controversies surrounding various issues but has persisted to successfully implement key policies to benefit the American people.

President Trump has set himself as the decisive voice of the Party. In the 2018 midterm elections, the GOP lost 41 House seats and their House majority. However, Republicans were able to add to their Senate majority. Historically speaking, this was something of a success for the Party in power as the Democrats fared far worse in 2010, losing 63 House seats and six Senate seats.

The question is now how the Republican Party will fare when President Trump’s name is once again on the ballot in 2020. Recent policies and political dialogue appear to indicate an even more polarized political landscape between the Parties with the Democrats following the path of socialism and booing anyone who dares to challenge their socialist ideas, including other Democrats such former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and former Maryland Congressman John Delaney.

President Trump has made no attempt to downplay Democratic malfeasance in recent years, focusing on the actual needs of the American people. These needs encompass Trump’s platform and that of most Republicans, including border security, immigration reform, national security, free speech, gun rights, and healthcare reform.