Local Teachers’ Union Successfully Sabotages School Reopening

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

The San Diego Unified School District teachers’ union has been adamantly refusing to return to classrooms until their demands are met.

The union, San Diego Education Association (SDEA), wants near zero cases of coronavirus or a downward trajectory in infections for two weeks before its teachers will do their jobs. They also want frequent testing of students, staff, and teachers along with prevention measures being fully funded.

None of the requirements have been met and most are unlikely to ever be met. San Diego is experiencing a serious budget shortfall and implementing costly and unnecessary procedures just so teachers can feel “safe” will not happen. In addition, due to COVID-19 testing only getting better, cases will go up or at least remain stagnant because of the fact that it is now easier to detect the virus.

These ridiculous demands only hurt one group: students. They will be stuck at home because SDEA wants to make a power play.

The official start of the next school year is August 31 and as of yesterday, SDUSD announced that the fall semester will be online. The teachers’ union won’t really be affected, but the students will—not that SDEA cares about them anyway.


Photo by Ben Taylor via Flickr