San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman Continues to Serve as a Voice of Reason

San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman recently spoke out about San Diego’s new police reform board, COVID-19, eviction moratoriums, and rental assistance, providing citizens with necessary insight on some pivotal local issues.

The police reform board, which has been in the works for almost four years, is an independent citizens review board created to provide San Diegans with a place to voice concerns over incidents of police misconduct. Unlike the existing review board, the new one would have subpoena powers that will allow them to conduct independent investigations. The proposal is set to appear on the November ballot should it be approved by the San Diego City Council later this month.

With regard to COVID-19 discussions within the City Council, Sherman reassures the public that they’re keeping a close eye on the recent spike in cases. He adds that this spike was expected, due to the recent reopening of more businesses and new increases in testing availability, but notes that the total cases in San Diego County equate to only 0.004% of the population. Sherman is prioritizing safely getting people back to work and encourages everyone to wear masks in public, frequently wash their hands, and stay home if sick, immunocompromised, or a member of the elderly population.

Lastly, the eviction moratorium first passed in March officially expired July 1, but was extended through September after the City Council voted 5-4 in favor of doing so. Sherman was one of the opposing votes, instead supporting a second proposal to use $15.1 million in CARES Act funds to formulate a COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The funds will go landlords to pay their mortgage while keeping tenants in their homes. With a moratorium extension, landlords may not have funds to pay their mortgages, which is why Sherman supported the rental assistance plan.

Overall, Councilman Scott Sherman is focused on the needs of San Diegans in the midst of what has been a very difficult year. As the summer rolls on and COVID-19 concerns continue to be punctuated by economic struggles, Sherman’s consistent leadership will be vital to ensuring that local government stays focused on the right issues.