Parents for Quality Education Hosting Virtual Town Hall with San Diego Unified School District Panelists

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

On Wednesday, Parents for Quality Education (PQE) will be hosting a virtual town hall to discuss distance learning. The panelists speaking will be Dr. David Miyashiro, Lallia Allali, Jasmine Sadler, Nicki Lewis, and Ashley Lewis, with PQE President Tom Keliinoi serving as the moderator.

Each of the panelists is involved with the San Diego Unified School District in some capacity and is playing an instrumental role in planning the upcoming school year. In the aftermath of the coronavirus, how the schools will be reopened and where funding for schools will go is a major issue in all districts, but especially for San Diego Unified. 

In addition, there have also been numerous scandals regarding members and procedures of the San Diego Unified School District, and this will also play a major part in the future of the board. If you want a say in how your children’s schools will be funded and choosing the people that will be leading the district, this is one of the best events to get information.

The town hall will be this Wednesday from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. You can rsvp at The zoom link is here and so is the link to the Parents for Quality Education Facebook page, where the event will be live-streamed.

If you have any questions for the panel, you can also fill out their survey here. For more information, please visit the Parents for Quality Education website.