County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Disgracefully Says “San Diego is No Place for Trump Republicans”

Written by Michael Palomba

If it’s not Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez making disgraceful statements, it’s her husband, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher.

This week, he posted a grotesque tweet saying that “San Diego is no place for Trump Republicans.”

After receiving well-deserved criticism, Fletcher proceeded to walk back his disgraceful words in a later tweet.

This is the type of divisive rhetoric we certainly don’t need right now. A county supervisor declaring that “San Diego is no place for Trump Republicans” discriminates solely based on a difference in political views and does not present a welcoming or uniting message for the County. Not to mention that the Board of Supervisors is majority Republican, so he is not even speaking as a member of the majority. Fletcher is effectively saying that his colleagues—and their constituents—are unworthy of being in San Diego simply because they disagree with him politically.

In a similarly divisive nature, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez tweeted out last week pushing legislators to vote ‘yes’ on ACA 5, which a racist and regressive affirmative action bill.

The country is currently as divided as ever, and disgraceful rhetoric from Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and his wife is not what we need. Calling to outlaw “Trump Republicans” or implementing explicitly racist affirmative action is the last thing San Diegans want or need. We deserve better from our elected officials, and we must demand it.