State Senator Brian Jones Excoriates Democrats’ Partisan Budget

State Senator Brian Jones has come out strongly against the 2020-2021 state budget, recently approved by the State Assembly and State Senate. The budget has already received widespread criticism for increasing spending, taxes, and government restrictions on both small businesses and their workers.

“This budget paints a bright line between the values of Democrat legislators and the values of Republican legislators,” said Jones. “Why does this Legislature (controlled by a supermajority of Democrats) continue to oppress hardworking, honest Californians that just want to make a living and keep their businesses in California?”

Jones specifically called out certain items in the state budget to prove his point, including:

  • $9 billion in tax increases across the board
  • $22 million for the state to enforce AB 5 and hurt freelance workers
  • $13 million for new, high priced salary slots in the High-Speed Rail Authority, a useless money sink that has crashed and burned too many times to count
  • $6.5 million for Democrat Attorney General Xavier Becerra to file more lawsuits in his running feud against President Trump

Additionally, as Jones pointed out, the 11 million Californians represented by Republican State Senators were disenfranchised by Democratic Senators, who wrote the budget without consulting their colleagues from the other side.

It’s clear that Jones and other Republicans Senators are prioritizing the interests of working Californians who have been struggling for much of the year, while Democrats continue to advance the same failed policies that brought us here in the first place. Senator Jones will continue to fight for the people, and that means resisting Democratic policies that just don’t make sense—like this farcical budget.