Senator Pat Bates Dismisses State Budget as a Sham

On Monday, the State Legislature approved Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2020-2021 budget proposal, which was released to bountiful criticism. Among those vocal critics of the budget is State Senator Pat Bates, who spoke out following the passing of the budget.

“Today’s budget vote was a sham. It is window dressing at best because it is a budget that can be dramatically amended in the next few days. Democrat legislators are still struggling to get Governor Newsom’s approval of excessive spending and tax increases that they are promoting,” said Bates. “The budget we voted on has a $9 billion tax increase on California businesses at a time when many are struggling to keep their doors open and keep their workers employed. Despite a huge deficit, this budget will spend more than $20 million to enforce AB 5, which will further hurt many workers who wish to be their own bosses.”

This budget framework is far too adjustable to serve as an actual budget, and doesn’t make necessary cuts to bloated public programs. It continues to brutally tax struggling businesses in light of a global pandemic, and instead puts more funding towards enforcing AB 5, which has hurt countless workers since being enacted.

Senator Bates hopes that the finalized version of the budget will be better than the one that passed this week. 

“As I have said before, Californians have tightened their belts and the state must do the same in a way that protects core priorities,” Bates added. “I hope whatever budget deal the Governor agrees to in the near future will be better than the one we voted on today.”