San Diego City Council Candidate Noli Zosa Delivers Protective Equipment to Local Minority-Owned Businesses

All of the social turmoil in the world right now has certainly drawn attention away from the global pandemic, but COVID-19 certainly isn’t going away just yet. That’s why we need strong leaders now more than ever: to help us persevere and navigate through these difficult times.

San Diego City Council District 7 candidate Noli Zosa has been working tirelessly to support the San Diego community throughout the coronavirus crisis. His work on Winging it Forward, a program that delivers free meals to first responders, has demonstrated his commitment to helping those who need it most.

Now, he’s extending his efforts to help small businesses get the tools they need to reopen. In collaboration with Bayside Community Center, Zosa helped deliver masks and face shields to minority-owned small businesses in Linda Vista. These contributions will help keep San Diego’s infection and death rates low and prevent the further spread of COVID-19 as our economic sectors gradually reopen.

The disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on racial minorities has been documented throughout the country, and while the possible reasons are both complex and inconclusive, the need for assistance is clear. Both Hispanics and African-Americans have higher rates of underlying conditions that make COVID-19 a greater health risk, and California data show that Hispanics suffer over half of all cases and African-American deaths represent nearly twice what the population percentage would indicate.

Zosa’s commitment to his community is a great example of a leader working by and for the people. San Diego can rest assured that he will continue providing support to all those who need it as we move out of quarantine and return back to normalcy.

For more information about Noli Zosa and his City Council campaign, visit