San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman Working with Farmers to Families Program

Written by Julianne Foster

On June 5, San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman joined in the pandemic relief effort by working with the Serra Mesa City View Church to pass out food boxes to families in need. The USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program has confirmed City View Church as the hub to reach San Diego families with free boxes of fresh produce, meat, and dairy products.

The Farmers to Families program is delivering an estimated 247,000 boxes monthly across the nation. This comes as a huge support towards people struggling from the overwhelming loss of jobs and newly found low income situations in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

City Councilman Sherman recognized CityServe’s effort to use churches to reach people with these supplies and was willing to lend a hand to help support the community he loves beyond all the work he does in his office.

His involvement was appreciated by residents and it’s a relief to see local political leaders stepping up and showing that they genuinely care about their communities.