Return of Youth Sports Made Possible by County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar

Parents and children alike can finally rejoice—youth sports are back in session. Thanks to the continued efforts of San Diego County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar, San Diego’s young athletes will be able to return to playing sports under safety guidelines.

Gaspar has spent several weeks coordinating with parents, schools, and youth sports organizations to develop a reopening plan that would prioritize safety precautions while allowing children to return to sports.

“Because there aren’t lobbyists embedded in youth sports working in Sacramento and D.C., these kids just don’t have a voice,” Gaspar explained. “Coaches have had to step in, professional athletes have had to step in, I’ve had to step in to be a champion for these kids. Otherwise, they’d still be sitting around, waiting.”

Additionally, Supervisor Gaspar held a Zoom meeting on Monday to discuss reopening strategy and protocol with local parents and organizational leaders. Gaspar has been diligent in fighting to safely get San Diego children back to playing the sports they love, and her efforts have paid off in statewide confirmation. With the summer now upon us, getting kids back to play is a great way to keep our county physically healthy.


Photo by USAG-Humphreys via Flickr