SDUSD Candidate Crystal Trull Launches Another Distance Learning Survey to Hear from Parents and Students

Earlier this week, San Diego Unified School District A candidate Crystal Trull created and launched a second survey to better understand the experiences of students and parents during the distance learning process. Trull was pleased with the informative responses to her first survey, and hopes to learn even more this time.

“As distance learning was rolling out in April, I surveyed parents/guardians to better understand their concerns,” said Trull. “What I learned is that there is a great deal of anxiety over gaps in learning and the lack of accountability and consistency with instruction and communication.”

Trull’s experience with education comes as both a parent and an educator, providing her with the understanding to address the concerns to teachers, parents, and students. Many parents of SDSUD students have expressed uncertainty and frustration at the lack of communication in the district. This isn’t necessarily new given that the district’s problems go back several years, but the current crisis has exacerbated these existing issues.

“Now that distance learning has been in effect for the past several weeks, I would like to hear from you, the parents/guardians and students, about your experience with distance learning,” Trull added. “My goal is to use this feedback to ensure that the parent/guardian and student voices are heard and that the new academic year will focus on students first.”

If you are a student or parent in the San Diego Unified School District, please consider taking a few minutes to fill out the survey. If not, it would still be very helpful to share the survey with friends, family, and colleagues who are connected with SDUSD.