State Senator Pat Bates Condemns Violence while Focusing on Need for Justice

State Senator Pat Bates recently issued a statement regarding the tragic death of George Floyd, and the national response that has subsequently followed.

She emphasized her support for the peaceful protestors organizing action around the nation, noting the injustice of the murder of George Floyd. Bates hopes that justice for Floyd and his family will go beyond holding the four guilty officers accountable for their actions, though that is a necessary and just step.

“The deeply troubling death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has rightly sparked outrage and demands for justice across the nation. Most who have engaged in protests over the past week have been non-violent,” Bates said. “Their pain and anger are real. They must be heard and we should all be listening.”

Like many, however, Bates does not condone the actions of those who took advantage of these tumultuous times to break the law.

“Some have used the protests as a pretext to commit criminal acts. The looting, vandalism, and violence that have ravaged many communities are inexcusable,” she added. “The most basic job of government is to provide law and order to keep all residents safe. This means ending the lawlessness by all necessary lawful actions.”

Not only are the violent riots unacceptable and putting innocent lives in danger, but they are also a grotesque disservice to the life of George Floyd and need for justice.

“‘Law and order’ also means ensuring justice for Mr. Floyd’s family, and holding accountable those who have violated their oaths to serve and protect their communities,” Bates explained. “It means holding the people accountable who have violently attacked innocent civilians and law enforcement officers across the nation.”