Massive Riots Forcing COVID-19 Testing Sites to Close

Written by Michael Palomba

Many COVID-19 testing sites throughout the state have been forced to close amid the increasingly violent riots, despite the fact that these large “gatherings” have surely helped spread the virus.

According to The Atlantic, “The virus seems to spread the most when people yell (such as to chant a slogan), sneeze (to expel pepper spray), or cough (after inhaling tear gas). It is transmitted most efficiently in crowds and large gatherings, and research has found that just a few contagious people can infect hundreds of susceptible people around them. The virus can spread especially easily in small, cramped places, such as police vans and jails.”

With thousands of protestors gathering throughout California, and almost exclusively in large groups, we can expect to see some new chains of infection in the coming days and weeks. 

“I don’t think there’s a question of whether there will be spikes in cases in 10 to 14 days,” said Mark Shrime, a Harvard public health researcher. “With so many protests happening, that are getting so much bigger, I don’t think it’s a question of if, but when and where.”

What better way to prepare for a new wave of infections than closing testing sites, right?

Obviously not, but apparently Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti believes that we are better off shutting down testing sites, “for safety concerns” than ending the riots. He and many other Democratic officials across the country have been acting like potted plants, doing next to nothing to stop these violent, lawless riots. These officials have more than enough power to put a stop to all of this. I believe it’s purely political, as most of the protests are being orchestrated by leftists, and Democratic officials know that they need those votes.

We’ve seen much stronger responses from conservative leaders across the country, including President Trump. There’s no question that George Floyd’s murder is an inexcusable tragedy. But that doesn’t mean that law and order can be thrown out the window. Two wrongs don’t make a right; it’s a childhood lesson that many seem to have forgotten. We have a constitutionally protected right to protest, but once they get unlawful, swift action needs to be taken.

Nonetheless, it appears that Democratic leaders are willing to sacrifice public safety to ensure their voter base doesn’t turn on them. As of right now, all testing sites in Los Angeles are closed, eight sites in Long Beach are closed, and three state-funded sites which conduct about 130 tests each day are also closed.

Despite the fact that coronavirus restrictions are being rolled back, the virus is still here. And considering that infection rates are likely to increase due to the riots, we need widespread testing available. We must call on elected officials in California and beyond to end these riots and get back to working for the American people.

Enough is enough.

If you think you may have COVID-19 and need to find a testing site in your area, you can use this interactive map.


Photo by Bryan Mills via Flickr