“Famela and Friends” Brings New Perspective to Local Radio

Local Republican Famela Ramos recently launched a new radio show. Through this meaningful broadcast, Ramos hopes to bring a fresh perspective to issues relevant to San Diegans while bringing her own expertise to the table.

According to the Famela and Friends website, “Famela and Friends covers discussions and interviews on life and politics with Republican leanings. The show is hosted by Former Congressional Candidate Famela Ramos, who is a nurse and published biomedical researcher.”

The show has featured prominent local Republicans, such as Noli Zosa and Henry Martinez, and intends to bring more to the conversation. So far, Famela and Friends has released three episodes. Topics covered included the ‘new normal’ of coronavirus, a local businessman’s lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Martinez’s campaign for Chula Vista City Council.

Those looking for a new voice in local politics can certainly rely on Ramos to provide insightful commentary and conservative values.

You can access the show’s releases on The Answer San Diego, and soon on FamelaAndFriends.com. For more updates regarding Famela Ramos and her show, check out her Twitter and Facebook.