County Supervisor Candidate Joel Anderson Provides Update on Saving Our Lakes

Gov. Newsom has approved lake recreational activities to be resumed yet the City of San Diego has only agreed to open three: Lake Miramar, Lower Otay and Lake Murray. This leaves the following closed: San Vicente, El Capitan, Sutherland and Barrett.

I believe we deserve better from our elected officials, so I organized a letter writing campaign to encourage the County to step up help fund the East County lakes.

Earlier today I was joined by fisherman, outdoor enthusiasts and sports store owners to call on the County of San Diego to enter a partnership with the City of San Diego to open San Vicente Reservoir, El Capitan Reservoir, Lake Sutherland and Lake Barrett immediately and fund them through next year. Here are a couple news clips where I presented our 1,200 signed petitions You can watch the clip from CBS 8 here and here for KUSI.

We need to keep up the momentum. If you haven’t signed the petition yet, please click here to sign my petition. It is time for our elected leaders to step up and preserve recreational opportunities that allow you to social distance. If you have friends who would sign, please forward this email to them!

In case you missed it take a look at this video where I called in to the San Diego City Council meeting last week and asked them to enter a partnership with the county.

In these uncertain times leadership is important. If you believe that our elected officials should stand up and fight for you, please consider making a contribution of any amount here.