Governor Newsom’s Failed Proposal to Close Facility that Houses 200 Veterans

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

On May 21, the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee on State Administration and General Government rejected Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal to close the Barstow Veterans Home. Newsom’s proposal was detested by members of both parties, and rightfully so.

“I am grateful that the Senate subcommittee heard the pleas from our community and rejected the Governor’s proposal to shut down the Barstow Veterans Home,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove. “Our veterans have sacrificed for our country and they deserve the respect and support of the government they fought to defend. Instead of spending $13 million on new positions for the high-speed rail fail, the Governor should prioritize our most beloved community heroes.”

By even proposing this, Gov. Newsom shows where his true priorities lie. Despite already being at a massive deficit due to the coronavirus pandemic, he proposed $125 million in aid for illegal immigrants. Apparently, he can find millions to give to illegal aliens, but has to shut down a home for 200 veterans that actually served in uniform for our nation.

Thus far, Gov. Newsom has largely failed in his response to the coronavirus and subsequent budget deficit. The state needs real solutions and evicting soldiers is clearly not one of them.


Photo by Timothy Hurst via Flickr