County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar Pushing for Youth Sports to Resume

San Diego County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar has been one of San Diego’s biggest advocates for economic and community reopening. She’s successfully fought for dine-in restaurants, retail stores, and churches to reopen safely while abiding by social distancing protocol. Now, she has set her sights on the next aspect of life to return: youth sports leagues.

Gaspar recently created a youth sports safety protocol for San Diego, which was proposed to Gov. Gavin Newsom over Memorial Day Weekend.

The same protocol we’ve utilized to limit the spread of the coronavirus while reopening various aspects of our lives can similarly be applied to youth sports. This is especially the case here in San Diego, where the reopening of outdoor recreational activities has not corresponded with any sort of COVID-19 outbreak.

Children have been found to be extremely low-risk when it comes to contracting and spreading COVID-19, and the adverse effects that prolonged quarantine will have on our youth aren’t something to be taken lightly. For the sake of the mental and physical health of the next generation, it’s important to get children back outside as soon as it’s safe and possible.