State Assembly Candidate June Cutter Advocating for Safely Reopening Schools

The impact of the coronavirus has been felt beyond the health concerns and social distancing—it’s become increasingly evident in the lack of proper schooling and daycare for children. Online learning can only do so much to replace the quality of in-person experience, and though the 2019-2020 school year is almost up for everyone, the possibility of losing out on school this fall is a looming threat.

This is why concerned parents, teachers, and elected officials alike are hoping for local and statewide governments to put together a plan to get children back to school. State Assembly District 77 candidate June Cutter recently spoke out on the issue.

These ideas aren’t without scientific backing: children have been found to be extremely low-risk when it comes to contracting COVID-19, which is making many believe that it’s becoming increasingly sensible to allow them to return to school.

The incremental process of reopening beaches, parks, retail stores, restaurants, salons, and churches may be paving the way for schools to also reopen safely. Cutter has made education one of the central issues of her campaign, and as a mother, she understands just how important school is for children.

It’s incredibly important for elected officials across America to begin considering establishments such as schools in the reopening process. Now that many states have chosen to reopen other establishments, there’s time and energy to make plans to open other essential services as well.

For more information about June Cutter and her campaign, visit