State Senator Brian Jones Explains Why it’s Time to Reopen California

Written by Michael Palomba 

State Senator Brian Jones has released a new video, adding to his “Are You Kidding Me?” series. This one, titled “COVID-19 Government Overreaction,” goes over the horrible lockdown that we are still forced to abide by and the many negative effects that have resulted from it. 

“California has now gone through over two months of a government-ordered shutdown,” Jones explains at the beginning of the video. He then reminds us that tens of thousands of businesses have closed their doors and millions of Californians have lost their jobs, with business owners now being forced to beg bureaucrats to allow them to reopen.

Jones reminds us that “all churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples” have been deemed unsafe by liberal officials and have been closed down “for the first time in history.”

Religious freedom is one of the core principles that this country was founded on. Seeing the government take away our right to attend places of worship is frightening, especially considering how quickly these places had to close and how ruthless some officials have been about keeping them shut down indefinitely.

“People shopping in a crowded big box store presumed to be social distancing, but those of us attending a religious service are not trusted to do the same,” he added.

The point of the lockdowns was to flatten the curve to prevent our hospitals and medical personnel from being overrun by COVID-19 patients. “California has flattened the curve, and we have not seen our healthcare facilities overwhelmed,” Jones added.

If we’ve already flattened the curve, then why are we still allowing these tyrannical officials to rule with an iron fist and keep things shut down?

Additionally, Jones says that “some healthcare facilities are laying off workers, including nurses.” This is because the demand has not been nearly what was originally anticipated by institutions like the World Health Organization. 

Those with underlying conditions are usually more vulnerable to diseases and infections. The fact that 90% of people who have died had a major underlying condition should say a lot about the coronavirus. While it’s important for those at extreme risk to remain home and protect themselves, the rest of the country should not be forced to do the same.

We have allowed our officials to abuse their power during this pandemic, and now it’s time to take that power back. Newsom needs to end this unconstitutional lockdown, and we need to be allowed to return to our normal lives if we so choose.

You can watch Senator Jones’ entire video below: