Democratic State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson Dismisses Independent Contracting Jobs as “Lollipops”

Written by Michael Palomba

It seems that Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’s unprofessional attitude is contagious. State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, who represents the 19th district, had some harsh words for independent contractors who have been decimated by AB 5 during a recent Senate Labor, Public Employment, and Retirement committee meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was for Senators Shannon Grove and John Moorlach to present their respective coronavirus proposals. Senator Grove’s proposal (SB 806) would’ve changed some AB 5 restrictions and Moorlach’s (SB 990) would’ve outright suspended AB 5 until 2022.

AB 5 has crippled the gig economy and eliminated countless jobs, with the effects being severely compounded by the historic unemployment we’re now facing. Unfortunately, the partisan Democratic-controlled committee rejected both proposals, which was expected. What wasn’t expected, however, was Senator Jackson’s insensitive comment to independent contractors.

“I appreciate that some independent contractors are upset. AB 5 took away their lollipop,” said Jackson.

There is no doubt that Jackson’s district is home to many independent contractors, so the fact that she appreciates that they are upset and views their livelihood as “lollipops” should really get independent contractors—and anyone who opposes employment discrimination—fired up. It’s maddening to hear an elected official refer to their constituents’ jobs, essentially, as a treat. 

Thankfully, I’m not alone in being disgusted by this type of rhetoric, as many people expressed their disgust on Twitter:



Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez and Senator Jackson have made it clear that they are effectively pro-union lobbyists. No elected official who truly cares about their constituents would behave like this otherwise.

If you aren’t already familiar with Gonzalez, she’s extremely unprofessional and is never afraid to disrespect or demean her constituents. Lately, she’s been in the news for cursing at Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Twitter:

She has also demeaned protestors who wanted their jobs back, sponsored racist and regressive bills, shouted profanities about the president at a campaign rally, and much more. She has a very controversial and embarrassing record as an assemblywoman, and hopefully her constituents remember that in November. 

Many liberal officials are forgetting that they work for their constituents, not the other way around. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks it’s a good idea to destroy the gig economy and eliminate the jobs of millions of independent contractors. You don’t want it, I don’t want it, and independent contractors certainly don’t want it. So why are liberal officials pushing for it?