Governor Newsom Proposes Cuts to Public Safety while Providing Cash Relief to Illegal Immigrants

Written by Michael Palomba

The coronavirus pandemic is causing budget deficits in states throughout the country. California is no different, and Gov. Newsom’s true intentions have been revealed based on how he wants to address it.

So far, he has floated the idea of releasing inmates and shrinking prisons to make up for some lost revenue. Additionally, he warned that first responders will be the first ones laid off.

“I hope they’ll consider this, the next time they [Republicans] want to salute and celebrate our heroes and first responders, our police officers and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones that will be laid off by cities and counties,” said Newsom.

Republicans at the federal level have indicated that they are not in favor of bailing out states, which Newsom appears to have been counting on such bailouts.

What Newsom’s response reveals is pretty alarming given how low public safety is on his priority list. The state wastes millions on unnecessary expenditures, but prisons and first responders are the first things on the chopping block? Those two things contribute immensely to public safety, and Newsom is using them as bargaining chips for federal aid. 

The governor is proposing increasing sentencing credits that allow inmates to leave prison more quickly, shortening parole to just two years, and letting felons “earn” their way off supervision in one year. Even sex offenders would catch a break, as Newsom proposes allowing them to earn their way off supervision in 18 months. 

According to State Senator John Moorlach, Newsom’s proposed cuts aren’t even the most cost-effective solution, and they will eliminate the jobs of prison employees. Moorlach says it could be cheaper to use more private prisons, a practice that many California Democrats have committed to ending. The use of private prisons would also create jobs, rather than eliminating them. However, it seems that Newsom’s personal agenda is more important than keeping Californians safe and protecting quality jobs.

Newsom is apparently ready to diminish public safety in the name of budget deficits, but saw no issue in creating a $125 million fund to provide direct cash payments to illegal immigrants. In California, illegals are now eligible for $500 each, with a $1,000 household cap.

It truly feels like our state government has gone rogue. The governor of the most populous state in the nation is providing cash payments to illegals, while cutting back on public safety services and endangering jobs. Elected officials are supposed to work for the people, and right now Newsom is working directly against us.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr