Melanie Burkholder Explains Why Governor Newsom’s Restrictions are Inappropriate for San Diego

Gov. Gavin Newsom has come under a lot of fire for his phased plan to reopen California. Many believe that the “one size fits all” criteria that cities have to meet in order to move forward is counterproductive.

Among these critics is State Assembly candidate Melanie Burkholder, who hopes that Newsom will allow for local control of the situation, so that city and county officials are entrusted with reopening, rather than Newsom and bureaucrats in Sacramento.

“Zero deaths and under 25 cases per day for 14-days is not a reasonable or scientific standard for San Diego. We are the fifth-largest county in the country and the second-largest in the State of California. It will take months, if not a year, to achieve this guideline” Burkholder said. “Businesses want to open in safe and healthy ways and are willing to follow protocols laid out if given the opportunity to open before it is too late.”

She’s not the first to point out this discrepancy, of course. San Diego County Supervisors Kristin Gaspar and Jim Desmond have both been vocal about the fact that Newsom’s guidelines are inappropriate for San Diego’s situation.

San Diego’s business community has been working tirelessly to abide by safety standards and to create an environment in which reopening safely would be possible. We’re ready to reopen in a safe and healthy way. Local leaders like Burkholder will continue to fight on behalf of our economy, our citizens, and our county.

For more information about Melanie Burkholder and her campaign, visit