Brian Maryott Launches Petition to Reopen California

It’s no secret that the lockdowns across California are wreaking havoc on families, businesses, and communities. Temporary measures have seemingly become indefinite, and many Californians have had enough.

Congressional candidate Brian Maryott has launched a petition demanding that Governor Newsom allow local governments to take the lead so that all businesses can begin reopening. The reliance on Sacramento has gone on long enough, and it’s time to trust communities to reopen safely.

“Just like the millions of Californians who’ve lost their jobs and businesses, we are fed up with Governor Newsom’s constant moving of the goal posts and refusal to hand authority over to local officials to determine the best plan to safely and swiftly get California back to work,” Maryott said in a statement.

This frustration has become increasingly widespread in San Diego and throughout the state. Governor Newsom’s refusal to cede power back to the people and their local institutions is unacceptable. Small businesses have been destroyed and unemployment has soared, climbing to nearly 30 percent in San Diego County and even higher in some areas. While Newsom may not care or understand these effects, Brian Maryott clearly does.

“Small businesses that have taken lifetimes to build are being decimated, savings accounts are being shredded, and millions of Californians are out of work, uncertain about whether they can provide for their families,” Maryott explained.

You can sign the petition here, joining thousands of others who’ve already signed and expressed their support. As Maryott succinctly says: “We need to reopen California NOW.”

For more information about Brian Maryott’s campaign for the 49th congressional district seat, visit