Mayor Rebecca Jones Guiding San Marcos to Safe Reopening

The City of San Marcos recently extended its temporary eviction moratorium to June 30 in order to protect residential and commercial tenants impacted by the coronavirus-induced lockdowns.

Landlords will be unable to evict tenants who have experienced substantial losses caused by coronavirus-related layoffs, loss of hours, or out-of-pocket medical expenses. Tenants will still owe rent, but it will be deferred until after the June 30 date.

This ordinance is the most recent in the line of Mayor Rebecca Jones’ exemplary actions to protect the people of San Marcos. This new extension coupled with her small business assistance program will be key to allowing small businesses to survive this economic slump until they’re able to fully reopen.

In terms of reopening, she’s been pushing for more businesses to be allowed to safely open their doors while still maintaining public health standards. Her leadership is always much-needed, especially now as we move forwards into reopening the economy.