San Diego Law Firm Writes Letter Informing County Supervisors of Constitutionality of Order

Letter Details How Recent Order Infringes on Citizens’ Constitutional Rights

SAN DIEGO, CA (May 13, 2020) — With growing frustration over San Diego County’s refusal to reopen businesses, local law firm Arete Law A.P.C. drafted a letter to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on behalf of local residents informing them how their recent Order dated May 8th violates both the United States Constitution as well as the California Constitution. The letter was submitted to the Board of Supervisors as well as to Health and Human Services Monday May 11th

Managing Attorney, Philip Mauriello Jr., states that he heard from many citizens how they were struggling with the strict stay at home order as well as continued business shutdowns. “When I began writing the letter, I put the word out through social media to see if anyone was interested in supporting the letter. Within minutes of the word being put out my inbox was filled with emails showing support for the letter.” 

Within less than 24 hours, more than a hundred San Diegans signed on to show support for the letter. “Even now I still get citizens writing to show support for the letter even after it has been submitted,” says Mr. Mauriello. “What really touched me was how many people were willing to share their stories with me. Stories of how they are trying to hold on with businesses being closed and they are scared of what they will do if we do not reopen soon.”

The Board of Supervisors or the Health and Human Services has yet to respond to the letter, but it is Mr. Mauriello’s hope that the letter helps officials reevaluate their current order and help them redraft any new regulations that do not infringe on citizens’ rights while also protecting the most vulnerable in the community. The letter can be viewed for free at this link.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Philip Mauriello Jr. Esq. at 619-693-6474 ext. 700 or email at

Arete Law A.P.C. is a San Diego-based firm specializing in various areas including civil rights, constitutional law, estate planning, and business advising.


Photo by Bill Oxford