Melanie Burkholder Urges Carlsbad to Fill Vacant City Council Seat

For the duration of the two months that we’ve been in quarantine, many local leaders have been working tirelessly to bring about solutions.

There is no time more important than now for our elected officials to be ready for action, a sentiment that Assembly District 76 candidate Melanie Burkholder fully believes in. She recently penned a letter to Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall of Carlsbad regarding the need to appoint an interim fifth city councilmember so that Carlsbad can move forward in reopening the city. 

“While it is not uncommon for an elected seat to become or remain vacant at any level of  government, the current crisis would seem to demand the Government of Carlsbad to be operating at 100% capacity to address the unprecedented crisis affecting its citizens,” Burkholder wrote.

Burkholder hopes that an interim councilmember will allow Carlsbad’s City Council to save as many jobs and businesses as possible, and urges the City Council to take action to appoint a new member with the city’s best interests at heart.

“The currently vacant seat is up for election this year, but in the interim, the appointment of an individual to fill the seat who will not be on the ballot this November, who has the best interests of the City of Carlsbad at heart to save as many businesses and jobs as possible before they are irretrievably damaged or lost is a moral imperative that the City should act upon with all due haste. Thank you for your attention and strong consideration of this matter,” Burkholder concluded.