Now that many states have begun the reopening process, the question remains if those still in lockdown will soon follow suit.
Though California Governor Gavin Newsom set guidelines in place to reopen, many believe that the goals for allowing businesses to reopen were unattainable and counterproductive. San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond is among them, believing that San Diego is ready to take the next step towards allowing all businesses to safely reopen.
“For noncompliance to an unattainable goal, he [Newsom] is threatening local governments that attempt to get people back to work, with the loss of state tax funds. He is threatening small businesses owners, who are only trying to survive, by revoking previously earned and certified professional licenses,” said Desmond. “Not only did he move the goal posts—he tore them down.”
San Diego County has a population of 3.3 million people. Meeting the governor’s standard of 14 consecutive days with zero COVID-19 related deaths is simply unfeasible and an unfair demand. However, we understand that public safety cannot be sacrificed for economic gain.
This is just the beginning of a much larger Public Health Crisis. We now have over 28% unemployment, in San Diego County. We must get people back to work, safely!
— Supervisor Jim Desmond (@jim_desmond) May 15, 2020
Supervisor Desmond believes that San Diego will be able to protect our citizens while reopening the economy. “We must continue to protect our most venerable and abide by our public health officer’s personal protection orders of the masks, gloves, social distancing, and hand washing,” he said.
Desmond is calling for complete local control of the situation moving forward.
“I’m calling for the safe opening of retail stores beyond curbside pick-up, to the safe opening of restaurants for dining in, and the safe opening of offices and large retail warehouse business,” said Desmond. “I’m asking our sheriff and law enforcement officers to prioritize enforcement of safety guidelines at all businesses, rather than essential versus nonessential. We can open businesses and be safe.”